Thursday, February 13, 2014



Just days after Microsoft send out a flurry of patches (24 I.E. patches, 15 just for I.E.10 alone), Internet Explorer 10 is under attack for yet another hole in it's fabric. Microsoft is (of course) saying they are aware of the attacks and will act as soon as possible. 

IE10, targeted by attackers exploiting a "zero-day" vulnerability, is on its way out as Microsoft pushes the newer IE11 to Windows 7 and Windows 8 users. Last month, IE10 accounted for about 16% of all versions of Internet Explorer used to browse the Web. (Data: Net Applications.)

Besides the fact that Microsoft Windows 8 sucks, and they know it, their credibility is on the line as far as the software they push out on customers who are like hamsters running the wheel and taking hits left'n-right because of inadequate testing.

Internet Explorer 9 was a bust, creating issues for many people trying to login to secured websites, I.E.10 had the same issues as well as I.E.11. Obviously they haven't learned their lessons from previous failures, but hopefully the new anointed CEO will act swiftly to prevent further customer damage. You can read about this HERE, and HERE.

'Nuff Said,

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