Wednesday, February 12, 2014


[English translation: "The Mask"]

It all started in a dim lit alleyway, where two shadowy figures exchanged secret handshakes and a exchange transpired - money, for a USB stick. Not any USB stick mind you, but one that carried a certain Malware on it known to security firms around the world as "Careto", or, "The Mask". The USB stick was then encased in a hollow section of the statue of a black bird, known only as "The Malware Falcon"....

Enough of my imagination running away with itself, but you can forget the narrative above except for "Careto" which is real, and does translate as "The Mask". The reporting of such things like this can be a little dry and boring so I thought I'd grab your attention briefly. This cyber-espionage operation was so secret it went undetected for many years, attacking, infesting hundreds of computers in over thirty countries. The fact that much of the code was in Spanish was unique, as you don't see much Malware come from Spain.

Kaspersky researchers released a .PDF document detailing exactly what Careto did, and if you'd like to find out more, here is a link to that .PDF [all 65 pages! ]

'Nuff Said,

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