Monday, March 10, 2014



So, you log onto Facebook and go to your page and see a message or link from someone you know, or maybe you know (but you have too many "friends" to really know) and it says "Do you want to see your friend naked?" or, "Your friends private video?", possibly including a partial picture of "the friend", or in many photos it's of a female friend and may only show a picture of their face or someone else (lower half) in a short skirt.

Thankfully you're not a cat, because if curiosity got to you and you clicked on that link you would be dead. However, being human...

You would be directed [ed. - rather redirected] to a malicious website which tells you that your flash player is out-of-date and to click on the link to update to the latest version, which really gets you behind a rock and a hard place when a browser add-on/plug-in is added (allowing the pictures you view on Facebook to be stolen and re-used in the malware campaign and infecting your PC), including the a fore mentioned link to the picture or video you clicked on being added to your timeline, thus infecting others.

Over 2 million people have been infected by this attack.

  1. You should never have clicked on that link, but reported it to Facebook.
  2. Whenever re-directed to a site claiming you don't have the latest Adobe Flash Player, close it and go directly to Adobe to download FLASH. If it comes back with a message "Already installed", you've dodged a virtual bullet.
  3. Now open Malwarebytes, update it's definitions and run a quick scan to see if it finds anything.
  4. Go in a corner and sit there for 2 weeks [yes, food and bathroom breaks allowed]
And, on the opposite end of the scale, many of use would NOT want to see our friend naked, or their "private video"...

'Nuff Said,

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