Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I think, somewhere down the list I mentioned email scams, but recently Anti-Virus/Security firms have said that email scams are on the rise and to keep alert [ed. - if it smells like a fish and looks like a fish it's probably a fish, 'nuff said]. In my own mailbox I've noticed an increase and yesterday when I got home and sat down to check my email I saw a virtual flood of email scams.

Why-what-who? Email scammers fake legitimate company names with (usually) an urgent subject line hoping you will open it, click on their link and then be re-routed to one of their servers which will have a home page just like the real place. The object? To get your logon ID, Password, and perhaps a credit card or social security number from you.

Here are just a few  From/Subject emails I saw in my mailbox yesterday -

AMEX - Alert - A payment was received

AMAZON - Your credit card was rejected

BANK OF AMERICA - Your account is overdrawn

BBB Complaint Dep- Case# 92998361

FACEBOOK - A friend of Bob wants to be added to your friend list too

LinkedIn - You have received a job offer

UPS - We were unable to deliver package 43422346979 to your address

From Kaspersky Labs

"Criminal hackers launched an attack campaign earlier this week in which they sent a slew of emails purporting to come from the financial software developer Intuit. The emails contained links that led to sites hosting the Blackhole exploit kit in an apparent attempt to infect the machines of corporate users."

A recent article about this matter can be read HERE. Keep your eyes open out there -

'Nuff SAID,

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