Saturday, January 5, 2013


In my last post (I believe) I reported that Microsoft had temporarily fixed the Zero Day exploit to Internet Explorer, versions 6, 7, and 8, but they haven't said much else. Does this mean it's really fixed? Does it mean there are other exploits related to this one that they didn't want to talk about? Only time will tell.

If anyone is interested in how well or poor Windows 8 sales are, someone got out their slide-ruler [ed. - if you don't know what that is; pretend you do] and found that given the same amount of days since they were released, Windows 8 sales lags behind Vista. Get yer Windows 7 computer before they can't be got no more!

Referring back to my first paragraph comes a timely article titled: "Researcher sidesteps Microsoft fix for IE zero-day" -

"Microsoft's short-term fix cannot cover all the different paths a criminal can take to exploit the bug, which the exploit highlights"

Read the full article HERE.

Have fun, and as always - surf safely

'Nuff Said

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