Wednesday, November 21, 2012


As "Black" Thursday/Friday loom above our heads, don't lose yours to fake emails which will lead you down the path of Malware infections, stolen credit card information, or worse.

Yes, this is probably one of the biggest holidays for the bad guys. They know you'll order something that has to be shipped and you may get one of many subject lines, like - "Order Cancelled Pending Credit Card Verification", or they could spoof (i.e. - fake) an email address, for example Amazon, and you'll see an email from Amazon with a subject line similar to the one above, or possibly - "Problem processing your order".

UPS is also a popular one to spoof, with subject lines like "We could not deliver your package, Tracking number DE469I0001FX" (and almost everyone should know by now that UPS tracking numbers start off with a 1Zxxxxxxxxx).

So now you've got my point, which was: "BE CAREFUL", Tis the season to fake emails....


The IRS was blamed for a massive data breach that exposed Social Security numbers of 3.8 million taxpayers plus credit card and bank account data, due to an outdated system. Apparently, social security numbers were never encrypted.

Read all about it, HERE.

And, speaking of Turkeys (again), have a safe but Happy Thanksgiving -

'Nuff Said

Oh... My last shopping for your Geek post is up on my other Blog now.

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