Tuesday, November 20, 2012



Facebook is moving from http:// to https:// - "What's the difference?" you ask,  well http is your every day webpage, for instance I'm typing this on my http://www.securitynnnnnn page. When you browse Amazon and go to purchase something it takes you to a page that starts with https:// [your bank would do the same], the "s" stands for secure/security and once you are on an https page your data becomes encrypted, thus more secure.

It's a good move considering how many people around the world use Facebook, and it will especially help those who use Facebook over a wireless network. I wasn't sure if it was already in place, but I just took a few seconds to login and check - yep, already https.


I read on Symantec's blog that they found malware that uses Google Docs to actually take over and control a server. Slick piece of work. I also read about this on several other sites I visit, and here's one with the details on PC World

'Nuff Said

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