Friday, October 18, 2013



This malware to date, is making those lives affected more than misery, and there is no magic wand to decrypt your files. Some good news - It doesn't seem as prevalent in the wild as it was in August and September, but while the numbers have gone down slightly it doesn't mean "ALL CLEAR".

As a end user you are responsible for the security of your computer, including what emails you open and which ones you delete. Every now and then it takes a virus like this to wake you out of your daze and pay attention to the email, then decide whether or not to open it.

And hopefully you've taken my advice to buy several external USB drives to back up your files, rotate the drives in your backup plan and always disconnect the drive after backing it up, so if you open the wrong email, Crypto Locker can be removed and your files can be restored from one of the backup drives.

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