Wednesday, December 19, 2012


We've all read about "Bots" and/or "Botnet", and usually it applied to Windows based computers. Basically once a computer is infected with the Bot, it then joins the collective [ed. - anyone else thinking "BORG"?] Botnet, linking millions of computers together for some nefarious task.

The IDG News Service reported something new this week: The discovery of an Android phone botnet! Although I hear stories, read articles, and watch news reports about security and cell phones, many of the people I come in contact with on a daily basis seem unaware of the dangers. If you happen to have an Android based phone it wouldn't hurt to read this article HERE.

For anyone using Microsoft's free anti-virus "Microsoft Security Essentials" you should read this article. When it first came out it was actually a fairly decent A/V solution which continued last year, but this year it's not in the same ballpark.

Finally, I'll leave you with one more article to digest. This one predicts what 2013 will bring us as far as malware, ransomeware, etc. Hopefully Android users next year won't see another 300% increase in malware like they did this year.

'Nuff Said,

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