Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo have strengthened/repaired a weakness in their email systems (I assume that means @hotmail, @msn, @windowslive, @gmail, and @yahoo accounts). This "Weakness" could allow an attacker to create a spoofed message that passes a mathematical security verification. Kinda medium-to-big sized weakness sez me.
Zachary Harris, a mathematician, gets credit for discovering it. He found it first with Gmail then discovered the problem wasn't limited to Google, but also Microsoft and Yahoo, all of whom appeared to have fixed the issue as of two days ago. The article, on PC WORLD, is worth a read and you can find it HERE.
You may have heard about Barnes & Noble halting the use of pinpad devices because of breach of security. If you didn't - now you have!Pinpad devices are what you use when making a purchase with a debit or credit card. Apparently it's quite serious and I suggest you read the article about it HERE.
If you use Adobe's Shockwave player you may want to run an update on it from their website. They just patched six critical security holes, and it shouldn't take long to do it (the update). From Adobe:
"Adobe recommends users of Adobe Shockwave Player and earlier versions update to the newest version," the company said in a security advisory accompanying the release on Tuesday. The new version is available for the Windows and Mac platforms.
And you can read the full article HERE.
That's about it for this post, except a reminder for you update and run a quick MALWAREBYTES scan if you haven't done so lately -
'Nuff Said,
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