Friday, June 22, 2012


Remember, keep your Adobe Reader, Flash, JAVA, and Anti-virus software updated. Don't forget what I wrote earlier - go directly to the website for Reader, Flash, and Java updates [ed. - see how short that was?]

With the "Short words of wisdom" over, now let me tell you a story which I've called "Two links, but not related" [ed.- technically not related to each other, just one user]. A pc user had a problem with links in Outlook and links on a website that his company logged into to purchase items, and neither worked! One gave him a cryptic message about talking to your network administrator message, which in a 3-PC workgroup-only scenario seemed a bit odd. The first thing the IT Monkey (me) did was to check his version of Internet Explorer. He had I.E.9, so I un-installed that update which reverted his explorer back to version 8, and you guessed it - those links worked just fine now.

The user quickly tried his Outlook, and turned to me to say (I already know what he was going to say, I guess I'm gifted that way), "But it didn't fix my Outlook!", and I replied - "Correct you are, for these are links where one cure will not fix both". 'Natch, being the IT Monkey that I am, I opened up my iPad and did a google search which led me directly to a Microsoft page, which conveniently also had an auto-fix graphic to click on. A few clicks later the genie from Microsoft told us it had been done....

So, the user tried it and......yup, it was fixed, and you could almost smell the magic in the air. If you are suffering with link issues in Outlook, I strongly suggest that you go HERE. Just scroll down and look for the Mr. Fixit Icon.

'Nuff Said,
Have a good weekend.

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