On many electronic devices, not just computers, a little chip can be found. It's FTDI's FT232RL and apparently there are an unknown amount of counterfeit chips that have been installed in these devices, including your computer [obviously to save pennies on each chip, but saving manufacturers a lot of money when hundreds of thousands are bought in bulk].
What does this chip do? It converts your USB back to a serial port for data to be transferred. It lives a simple life beyond that. A recent Microsoft update [whether intended to or not] shut down any computer USB port which had a counterfeit chip on the motherboard, or an accessory board plugged into the motherboard.
I got this information from Hack-A-Day's website along with links to workaround it and get that counterfeit chip back to work.
LINK to configuration file
LINK to instructions
If it seems too technical, and you believe you have the counterfeit chip please consult with your local technical support for help [like myself].
'Nuff Said,